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Return Policy

All products purchased through our website are returnable for full cash refund, exchange, or store credit within seven days of the purchase date if they are not opened and haven't been used. If the product is opened there won't be any refunds. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Personalized deals and services are non-refundable.
Notify our Support team of any problems with an order within 7 days of receipt.

The 7-day money back guarantee is valid only for first-time purchases of a product, and redeemable item(s) must be shipped back to Zulu Style Pte Ltd Singapore (at customer expense) with a valid receipt in order to process the return. No refund will be given without a valid receipt. Customer may not return the same item for refund more than once.

Please contact our Support team at +65 6341 5297,, or our web chat feature for assistance in returning the item. Our support hours are 10:30 to - 20:00 Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, except Tuesday.

Returns should be mailed to:
Zulu Style Pte Ltd Singapore, 44 Race Course Rd, Singapore 218558

We recommend using a shipping method that is trackable. We cannot offer refunds for products that are not received. We reserve the right to fully investigate claims that may be unfounded or fraudulent and to periodically change or amend this Return Policy.